Augustinian Care - Care homes, Elderly care, Nursing home
“Our aim is to provide unique high quality care, enabling individuals to lead valued and fulfilled lives with freedom to make choices.”

Coronavirus Care Home and Village Visitor Guidance

6th of January 2023


Dear Family & Friends

Visiting Policy

Our first priority continues to be keeping people living with us and working here safe and this means reducing the risk of Coronavirus (COVID-19) transmission.

We have worked incredibly hard to ensure Covid-19 remains out of our care homes as much as possible. We are continuingly reviewing our visiting policy based on government guidance which has been changing depending on the current situation.

We also seek advice from the local authority and public health in relation to safe visits. We understand that the past restrictions have been very difficult for many residents and families and that visits are very important. Families and friends have been incredibly supportive of our home during this very difficult time and we would like to thank you very much for this.

Each resident will have their own visiting plan 'My Visiting Plan'. We will be risk assessing each person living with us in consultation with their loved ones. The individualised plan will be written after discussion with the individual, the Manager, staff and relevant family members. This will take into account their own views, their health issues and the risks should they develop Covid- 19, their level of understanding, of the need for social distancing and use of personal protective equipment. It may be, that when considering all of the risks it is decided that the risks are too high at this moment in time for an individual to receive face-to-face visitors.

However, currently our homes are welcoming visitors, subject to any specific visiting plan and guidance.

Please read our revised visiting policy and procedure which is available from the Home and do not hesitate to phone and speak with the Manager/senior staff should you have any questions.

Thank you for your continued support, it is very much appreciated.

Philip Smith

Chief Executive Officer


Augustinian Care, The Lodge Admin Centre St Georges Park, Ditchling Common,

Ditchling, Sussex, RH15 0US


Tel: 01444 259725